Defining the Term “Sump Pump”
Water tends to cause problems around the home. When water is allowed to accumulate, humidity problems and floods can result in damage around the home and mold infestations. One of the tools to protect homes from excess moisture is called “sump pumps.” Sump pumps automatically remove water from drainage basins to keep houses from succumbing to moisture problems and floods.
In areas with high rainfall and high humidity, sump pumps are crucial for a home’s longevity. Take a moment and get familiar with sump pumps with this quick guide.
How Do Sump Pumps Work and Why are They Important?
Sump pumps are commonly found in basements and crawl spaces that stay too wet or are prone to flooding. Generally, during construction, drains are built that direct water to a central point. At this central location, a sump pump will remove the water so the entire area stays drier and the home is protected from complications of out-of-control moisture. Sump pumps are also common in yards that suffer from standing water.
Some of the complications that arise from standing water around the home are:
- Insect infestations, especially mosquitoes
- Damage to construction finishes from high humidity
- Damp and clammy basements
- Pervasive musty odors
- Foundation problems
- Hidden mold
Picking a Sump Pump Style
There are two main types of sump pumps for homeowners to choose from. Each style has benefits and drawbacks, so it helps to know what to expect from a specific sump pump style. The two common kinds of sump pumps are:
- Pedestal Pump: The cheaper style, pedestal pumps are good for small catchment basins in tight areas. Its motor is outside the water basin, and it lasts longer than the other type of sump pump. These are common indoors in basements where the pump sits in a utility closet. They are easier to repair and maintain since the motor is not submerged.
- Submersible Pump: A truly submersible pump, this style puts the pump and a sealed motor down into the water. These units are quieter and more efficient, but they can be more difficult to replace or work on because of their location.
The bottom line is that if a home is already outfitted with a sump pump, it will be ready to accommodate the style already in place. If a sump basin is designed for a submersible or pedestal pump, it is best to stick with the same type. However, for new projects requiring sumps, homeowners can use this information to help them decide which style is best for them.
Benefits of Sump Pump Installation
A sump pump is an effective way to protect a home and its surrounding landscape. A house is a huge investment that has to last for a long time against the powerful forces of nature. By installing and maintaining sump pumps, homeowners can prevent the damage that water can do to a home.
Homes that use sump pumps notice benefits like:
- More comfortable basements
- Better grass and landscaping
- Lower utility bills from reduced humidity in the home
- Cleaner air from the absence of mold spores
- No foundation or structural problems
- No flooding
About Pride Plumbing
Pride Plumbing has over 50 years of experience serving its neighbors in Mt. Gilead, NC, and the surrounding areas. They provide upfront pricing, fast turnarounds, and 24/7 live help. Call them today for sump pump services in Mt. Gilead, NC.
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